Subscribing to backlinks

Subscribing to backlinks

Anyone who’s spent at least 5 minutes looking at Search Engine Optimizations found how crucial backlinks are. In practice for search engines, they’re votes that lets them rank all sites together. In the social web world, people often talk about @mentions, which are ways to link a post or a picture to someone else.

Outside of search engines, knowing when someone links to your site is also extremly important. For the longest time, search engines have provided you with a link: operator which lets you find the most relevant links to a site… but search engines also filter a lot of content from this list (because it’s their secret sauce!), and it’s really not adequate to find links which have just been made to your site.

Luckily, Superfeedr also supports the link: command in tracking feeds. This means you can subscribe using our API an receive a realtime ping for every new backlink we foud to your site or page.

Values for the link can either be a full page, a subdomain, or a domain. We also match if the query strings differ… etc.

For example, this page will match the following queries:

  • link:
  • link:
  • link:
  • link:

Also, you can of course, combine the link operator with other keywords and operators, such as site. If we wanted to track all links to superfeedr, but not coming from a superfeedr site, we would use:

Want to get started?

Create your Tracker account NOW! and check our docs on how to build your tracking feeds.

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On the same topic, check full text trackers, brand monitoring and sources in track.

Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: HTTP Raw Body.