Superfeedr Blog

Updated Pricing

Today, we are introducing a new pricing for Superfeedr’s subscribers. In our early days, we wanted Superfeedr’s pricing to be based on the amount of data our service would send you. As we were very young start-up, we made the assumption that verbose feeds would cost us more to process...  

Google Feed API is gone: now what?

As you might have heard, the Google Feed API is closing on December 15th, 2016. It’s not too late to look for a replacement and Superfeedr has you covered, either directly, or via Embedly. The Google Feed API was used to build all types of applications, from simple web page...  

Building a News Bot for Facebook Messenger

With each month that goes by, there is less and less doubt that messaging applications and bots are one of the interfaces with whom we are interacting more and more. One of the verticals for which messaging applications are the most useful is news. We built a news bot Facebook...  

Medium acquires Superfeedr

The web is very different from what it was 8 years ago. We’ve said it several times: publishing and consuming content are new frontiers for most of the web giants like Facebook, Google or Apple. We consume the web from mobile devices, we discover content on silo-ed social networks and,...  

Focus on the Front-End: Building an Asset Repository

Change is afoot in Superfeedr’s websites—change in the form of patterns, centralization, and standardization. In the summer of 2014, a team from Van Patten Media Inc.—in this case, Chris Van Patten and myself—worked with Julien here at Superfeedr to redesign the application’s web interface. We updated a dated design, surfacing...  

Embed and customize

The superfeedr feed API is quite powerful and lets anyone build any kind of application which consumes RSS feeds, whether it’s on the web, a mobile application, or processed on the server side. Building and maintaining servers is not always trivial, which is why more and more applications are built...  

Instant Articles and the future of RSS

In the past couple months, a lot has been happening on the syndication front. The mobile and social worlds have become more and more aware of the importance of the open web and we’ve seen several new efforts to improve the user experience on these fronts. Mobile Despite increasing bandwidth,...  

Full Text RSS

Of course, if your website publishes content, you should absolutely publish RSS feeds (or Atom feeds, but not both!). Luckily, a lot of publishers eventually do, even if they sometimes have trouble dealing with auto-discovery. However, a lot of these publishers will publish truncated RSS feeds, and that’s generally a...  

Hijacking API requests with Service Workers

Last week, we’ve seen how to add a Service Worker to our feed reader so that it loads faster by caching its shell. One of the direct benefits of this is that our application shell is now also available offline, even when the browser is not connected to the web....  

Adding Offline Support to a feed reader with Service Workers

Feed readers are more useful when they work offline. Unfortunately, up until a couple months ago, the web’s technologies were not compatible with this requirement. Yet, the introduction of Service Workers is slowly changing this game and, at Superfeedr, we’re excited to see open web technologies catch up with capabilities...  

What is Superfeedr?

Superfeedr's powerful unified Feed API simplifies how you handle RSS, Atom, or JSON feeds. Whether you publish or consume feeds, we streamline the notification process, saving you time and resources.

We blog about Superfeedr's features, how to parse RSS feeds with several web platforms, the open web and more!