Seed Round

Seed Round

That’s true. We’ve finalized our seed investment round. It took us a little more time than expected, but we’re very happy to join Betawork’s and Mark Cuban’s portfolios. Both of them have shown a genuine interest and vision in what appears to be the real-time web. We’re also pretty excited to announce that both Andrew Anker and David Recordon have joined our advisory board.

If you’re following, even remotely, the world of start-up or the one of basketball, you can’t ignore Mark Cuban’s name. Mark founded a few years ago and sold it to Yahoo!. I am thrilled to have him on board. There aren’t many experienced entrepreneurs our there who have invested in start-ups like Mark did. He knows how to grow a business and we will learn a lot from him.

Betaworks is probably the most active investor in the real-time web. Their portfolio includes names like Twitter, Tumblr,, Tweetdeck, Twitterfeed as well as many others. They’ve proven quite successful at building a network of loosely joined pieces where all members interacts together. I am very excited to be on stage later today at Betaday to chat with Iain and Tony about the death of the web page.

We’re very happy and proud about this seed round, and I want to thank personally Mark, John, Andy, Tony, Andrew and David for their trust.

And now : back to work! (not that we didn’t work a lot lately :D)

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Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Win a ticket for LeWeb!.