Win a ticket for LeWeb!

Win a ticket for LeWeb!

We’re very excited to be part of LeWeb’s startup competition. We will have a few minutes only to demo in front of the jury how cool superfeedr is. Needless to say that it’s pretty hard for an API-based service, and we want to show-case cool stuff created with Superfeedr!

As any other candidate, we got 2 tickets. One for me, and one for… YOU! Well, not all of you, but just the one of you who creates a coolest app out of a new small feature we’re launching today : our rivers.

The rivers will be freely accessible streams of data out of Superfeedr. The first one (and the one that’s in competition), is a sample of our global stream, with at most 1 message every 3 seconds.

We built this river with the newly released Compp : a small HTTP server that allows you to do Comet Streams out of XMPP traffic. It’s an AtomStream : a never ending HTTP connection that contains ATOM entries1.

There will be several judges for your apps, including Astro, me and a few other people. The rule is : no rule! Make something, fun, useful, profitable, open-source, downloadable, web-based, or any combination of that! You can use any platform, any other API (you’re even encouraged to), any language (heard of Go?).

The only constraints are :

  • it must use the river that is accessible at
  • your app must be visible (dowloadable or web accessible) on December 4th at midnight PST.
  • you must write a blog post or a doc page explaining what it is, how it works and how to use it!

We will let you know who is the winner on December 5th and hopefully, you’ll join me on the 9th!

Let the best win!

1 It’s a very first release, make sure your code is robust enough to deal with errors and disconnections.

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Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: SUP over PubSubHubbub and XMPP.