Earlier, in July, when we asked our customers what they wanted our redesign to include, a few of them mentionned that it was sometimes hard for them to find a given subscription or a set of subscriptions matching specific requirements.
Today, we’re happy to introduce our search in subscriptions feature. It’s a fairly simple mechanism: when asking for the list of subscriptions, you can just include a search
extra query string parameter to match a more specific subset of subscriptions.
Our docs already include the list of fieds you can use to find specific subscriptions. They include:
- Format of the subscription
- Exact feed url
- Hostname of the feed url
- inurl for the feed url which will match subsets of the url
- Exact webhook url (hub.callback)
- Exact hostname of the webhook url
- inurl for the webhook url which will match subsets of the url.
Try it yourself!
$ curl -D- -X GET https://push.superfeedr.com/ \
-u'demo:e5cab21156449745c2c0c4f77f6e3b69' \
-d'hub.mode=list' \
This should yield something like this:
"subscription": {
"format": null,
"endpoint": "http://my.webhook.com/path",
"secret": null,
"feed": {
"title": "NYT > Home Page",
"url": "http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml"
Obviously, we’ll be self-dogfooding this in our brand new dashboard, which is coming soon now!