JSON retrieve

JSON retrieve

This is the second week (first week is here) of our #FeatureFriday series! I’ve been traveling quite a bunch in the past few days, so I haven’t been able to push as much code as I hoped, but we have a released a bunch of features and fixed a few bugs again :)

JSON when retrieving a feed status

This was a request by the folks at SocialFlow. Nothing fancy : you can subscribe to feeds and get JSON pushed to you, so why wouldn’t you be able to retrieve a feed’s status on get JSON? Since we didn’t have a good answer to this, we implemented JSON feed retrieval :) Just submit an Accept header with application/json.

Fixed SSL certificates

It’s a shame, but for some reason, I missed the fact that our SSL certificates had expired. Needless to say that the warning at at least very annoying. We gave a few more dollars to Godaddy and our SSL certificates are now up to date!

Higher pricing levels

Our beloved customers use Superfeedr more and more, and we’re happy to say that a few of them grew beyond our current pricing levels. Luckily for us, we’re able to save more $$$s when people use us more and we’d like to thank these customer for being so faithful, so we introduced to extra layers to our pricing :

  • $1 for 5,000 notifications between 3,700,000 and 15,700,000
  • $1 for 6,000 notifications between 15,700,000 and 51,700,000
  • $1 for 7,000 notifications above 51,700,000!

Use our simulation tool to see what’s going on woth your level of pricing!

Keep the #FeatureFriday requests coming!

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On the same topic, check converting rss to json, json pubsubhubbub notifications and top feeds list.

Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Feature Friday.