Introducing the Feedbox

Introducing the Feedbox

Our tracking feeds let trackers build applications which track keywords, boolean expressions and more in real time. Want to know any mention of a product name, any mention of a brand, any link to a site in real time? That’s what our trackers are for.

One of the most frequent questions we get from people who start to use our tracking feeds is about the coverage.

What are the sources against which tracking queries are matched?

The answer is simple: any feed that goes thru Superfeedr, whether it’s an RSS feed subscribed by a subscriber or published by a publisher. Of course, we filter out obvious spam and bozo feeds, and focus on the most popular feeds on the web.

Yet, often times, someone wants to make sure a specific feed is added to the list of feeds that we are monitoring in realtime. For this, we now have a feedbox.

The Feedbox is a very simple application (source code released on Github) which lets anyone add the feeds they want to Superfeedr, without actually subscribing to them.

If you’re building a tracking application and want to make sure that some very important sources in the mix are matched against your queries, you should use the feedbox.


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On the same topic, check brand monitoring, full text trackers and rss or atom, not both!.

Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Debugging broken RSS feeds.