Who fetches our blog feed

Who fetches our blog feed

A couple weeks ago, we moved this static blog from github pages to Amazon S3. The move itself was uneventful, as both plaforms handle CNAME’s pretty well. However, S3 provides a feature that we needed: redirects. We wanted to redirect our feed address to an app which we could use to monitor who is polling our feed. We created a very simple Node application application which proxies our Atom feed while recording hits (both user-agent and IP) in a Redis database.

We believe every decent feed reader should follow redirects (we do it transparently if you use Superfeedr). After a couple weeks we got a pretty clear view of services polling our feeds. The numbers below account for 2 weeks worth of traffic, with 1 significant update to the feed (last week’s post).

A lot of waste.

We registered 36,413 hits for 152 different user-agents, with 6 referers accounting for 50% of the traffic and 16 of them accounting for 73% of the traffic.

What’s more interesting is that, since our feed supports PubSubHubbub, we can match the subscribers to their user agents. A lot of feed readers such as Feedly, Inoreader, MnmlReader, Feedbin, or Newsblur are subscribed via PubSubHubbub. The net result is that, these subscribers, all combined, hit our feed only 4,637 times (12.7% of all hits). Of course, their reduced polling saved them (and us) a lot of resources… but this did not impact their users who were still the first ones to learn about our new posts.

We’re a sad that our followers using Bloglovin, Digg Reader, AOL Reader and a few others learn about our stuff significantly later.

Finally, Fever, TT-RSS and a few other ‘installable’ feed readers were among the largest offenders because all installs will hit our feed quite often. These two alone account for more traffic than all the PubSubHubbub subscribers combined (5,788 hits)!


The second thing we confirmed is that User-Agents are… strange beasts. First, it’s a another big waste (HTTP headers are not compressed) that 69 of them start with Mozilla/5.0. That’s a pointless legacy. They can also be very long: NewsBlur’s UA has 242 characters for our feed!

Having great User-Agents is hard. We identied the following steps to epiphany when it comes to them:

  1. Actually have a User-Agent. Some fetches will not identify themselves. This is considered bad practice and several publishers will block these without any further effort.

  2. Make sure you do not use the default User-Agent of your HTTP library. Our biggest hitter uses Go 1.1 package http, but we also have a bunch of feedzirra http://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/tree/master or curl/7.26.0… Don’t hide!

  3. Add a way to get in touch: a URL or an email address will help publishers clarify who you are, why you’re polling their feeds and how to report problems.

  4. Include debugging information: several of the people fetching our feeds have added a feed-id= value in their User-Agents. We believe this is a pretty good practice (and we’re adding this to the Superfeedr User-Agent)

  5. If you’re a feed reader, include the number of subscribers in the User-Agent. But this also tends to behave quite erratically when the number of subscribers changes often. For example, we have 10 different User-Agents for MnmlReader since our number of subscribers seems to very a lot in that reader…

The web is an abstraction layer, which means that the content published here should be displayed similarly in any browser, using any OS. We understand that this may not be true for more advanced Javascript techniques, but for RSS feeds, it’s certainly pointless to include architecture, or OS information: don’t clog the tubes with that!

TL;DR If you’re polling our feeds, you should do the following:

  • Identify yourself with a great User-Agent: make sure we can contact you, and help us learn more about why you’re polling it and on behalf of how many people.
  • Implement PubSubHubbub (it’s not that complex) so that you get real-time updates to our feed, without polling very frequently

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On the same topic, check feed-id in user agents, http raw body and ping me i'm famous.

Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Inoreader: Super-charge your RSS with Superfeedr.