“Why make things simple when you can make them complex?”. It was probably just too easy to have a common open protocol that everyone would share and use for push notifications of feed changes. At Superfeedr, we chose PubSubHubbub, for obvious reasons, and we’re quite happy with it.
Yet, some publishers have made a different choice and since it always eventually comes down to the customer’s experience, we had to implement RSSCloud. Superfeedr is now an aggregator. As a user, if you give us a feed that is RSSCloud enabled, then, we will subscribe to the right cloud and you should get updates from this feed in a few seconds as well (exactly like with PubSubHubbub).
The awesome part of that news: since we use PubSubHubbub as our API (we’re one of the few independent hubs), this means that if you use us, you don’t even have to care about RSSCloud. Once again, we do all the “hard” work for you :) Just implement the PubSubHubbub subscriber part, and you’ll get the RSSCloud feeds through that as well.