PubSubHubbub in the new Digg

PubSubHubbub in the new Digg

Today’s best news is coming from Digg HQ : Digg v4. I wasn’t a big Digg user, but their new approach, with news tailored to me based on my social network makes a ton of sense for me.

If you’ve been playing with it in the past weeks, you’ve seen that you can auto-submit content from your RSS feeds. The great news about this is that they support PubSubHubbub for this feature, which means that if you want your feed updates to show up on Digg as soon as you publish them, you just have to become a PubSubHubbub publisher.

As a matter of facts, if you become a publisher, your stories will be pushed in realtime to Digg, but also to Google Reader, Twitterfeed, Google Buzz,, Cliqset, Plaxo, FeedMyInbox, Appnotifications, Feedingo,, Twingly… and many many other!

Finally, don’t forget to friend me up : I’ll see you there :)

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Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Realtime web technologies.