Funny Feeds

Funny Feeds

Our business cards say : “We make something stupid so that nobody else has to do it”. And it’s true : we do a lot of things so that nobody else has to. While debugging some code last weekend, I checked at some feeds that we had trouble dealing with. If you use Superfeedr, you won’t have to deal with that, and that’s good, because these things can break your feed parsing module.

Never Ending HTTP responses

This was actually one of the very first things our parsers encountered. Want to see an example : check out the six-apart Atom stream. Technically, this is perfectly legit, except that if our parser starts to get content from there, well, it will eat more and more content, and will eventually die of indigestion. When we had only a handful of servers, we had the problem with some hacker implementing a similar thing on his servers (with no content, just an un-endind HTTP connection). This ended-up keeping our parsers busy to such an extent that they wouldn’t parse anything else.

It was an easy fix : timeout on active HTTP connections.

6847 entries feed.

You read that correctly. That is 6847 entries, in one feed (that’s fluctuating though), and it weights about 2MB. As such that’s not really a problem. We fetch this feed in more or less 5 seconds. However, to identify new entries, we need to compare each of them with a “cached” version. Comparing 5, 10 or even 100 entries is not a big deal. Comparing several thousands can actually take up to a few seconds (we store these entries into Memcache). Eventually, this feed was taking forever (20, 30 seconds or even a few minutes) to be fetched and parsed. We built our parsers such as if a feed takes too long to be processed, it’s dropped. This feed was eventually never fully processed.

We increased the allowance on the feed processing. That was not enough : many feeds could not be fetched anyway, we were just spending more time on them. We finally decided to limit the number of legit new entries in a given feed to 500.

Permanent redirections

That is a much harder one. The HTTP protocol has stuff like redirections. A redirection is just a way for a server to say “what was here is now there”. There are 2 types of redirections : Temporary and Permanent. When it’s temporary, we don’t even keep track of it : our parser follows the redirection and gets the content where it is. When it’s permanent, it’s different. We follow the redirection, but we also save the new feed url and assign it to the subscribers of the initial feed. We still keep the ‘old’ feed, just in case the permanent is not really permanent (and because we hate deleting stuff), but we reduce the polling frequency to a minimum. Some feeds, however make our life hard in this case. This feed from VMWare is an example. If you open it, you’ll see that it permanently redirects to a url like this one and if you load it again, you’ll see that it permanently redirects to another feed… and so on. In other word, this feed permanently redirects to different urls.

We haven’t found a good solution for that yet. We hate to do it, but we basically clean these redirections once in a while to avoid having thousands of them.

As you can see, building a polling infrastructure is full of traps. There is not a day where we don’t find new challenges. It is very interesting and we like that. However, there is absolutely no valid reason for another person to spend time and money solving the same problem.

That doesn’t mean either that the solution we come up with are the best; and that is why we’re sharing them here! Your ideas are our food

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Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Information Superhighway.