Superfeedr Heroku

Superfeedr Heroku

For the past few months, one of our projects involved working on an Heroku addon. Today it reached public beta. In a nutshell, it allows for anyone using Heroku to integrate with all of Superfeedr’s features with minimal effort: all the provisioning, integration and even billing is managed thru Heroku.


The first step is to add the Superfeedr addon to your existing application. Like for most Heroku addon, type this in your application’s repository:

heroku addons:add superfeedr

The next step is the most important step: picking up the right API to use:

  • The XMPP PubSub may require you to run an extra Dyno (process), and XMPP may not have good libraries for your language of choice.
  • The PubSubHubbub API uses webhooks, which means that your development machine will need to be ‘accessible’ from outside the firewall.

Then, you can start implementing! When making calls to Superfeedr, make sure you use SUPERFEEDR_LOGIN and SUPERFEEDR_PASSWORD as your credentials. (you can also set these environment variables to your local development machine)


For now, using the Superfeedr heroku addon is free, but we will soon introduce plans. These plans will obviously include a free version, but they will be based on the number of feeds (we exclude track feeds though), rather than the number of entries. This has been a rather frequent request for superfeedr and we may use Heroku as a sandbox for a new superfeedr pricing model.

If you’re looking at sample applications, check this node.js example which uses XMPP_, Superpipes, or this Sinatra applicationapp.rb, which uses PubSubHubbub.

Happy coding!

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Previously, on the Superfeedr blog: Weekend Projects: Superpipes.